Product Information
10 KG
Minimum Order Size
By air to your doorstep
Delivery method
About the producer
Agromey is one of biggest producers and exporters in Turkey with an annual Sea Bass & Sea Bream production capacity of 18.000 tons  with an accomplished integration of fish farming, fish processing/packaging facilities and fish feed production facilities. 

Agromey are continuously improving customer satisfaction by the trademark they've strengthened with reliable quality and competitive price advantage.
Know your source

Your fish is coming from Izmir, Turkey

Frozen Turkish Sea Bream

Minimum Order Size: 1 Case (12 KG)
Preparation: Whole (Head On)
Raised: Sustainably Farmed
Treatment: Frozen
Delivery method: Direct from producer by air to your doorstep


Product Information
This Sea Bream is a lean fish with a coarse texture and delicate flavor, responsibly sourced from Agromey's  Akbük Turkish waters. Agromey fish are ensured by a carefully monitored cold chain from when the fish is harvested until it is shipped. 

Being low in calories and rich in B vitamins, a medium-sized portion will give you the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals to enhance the immune system. 
About the producer

Agromey is one of biggest producers and exporters in Turkey with an annual Sea Bass & Sea Bream production capacity of 18.000 tons  with an accomplished integration of fish farming, fish processing/packaging facilities and fish feed production facilities. 

Agromey are continuously improving customer satisfaction by the trademark they've strengthened with reliable quality and competitive price advantage.

Know your source
Your fish is coming fromIzmir,Turkey