Product Information
10 KG
Minimum Order Size
By air to your doorstep
Delivery method
About the producer
Gümüşdoğa is Turkey’s leading fish farm, aquaculture exporter and feed producer. They assure  the highest  quality, freshness and safety of their product through their traceability system.

Every stage of fish processing, along with fish feed and production is designed and controlled according to the European legislation on hygiene and safety of products.
Know your source

Your fish is coming from Milas, Turkey

Fresh Turkish Farmed Sea Bass

Minimum Order Size: 1 Case (10 KG)
Preparation: Whole (Head On)
Raised: Sustainably Farmed
Treatment: Fresh
Delivery method: Direct from producer by air to your doorstep


Product Information
This Sea Bass is responsibly sourced from Gumusdoga's off-shore fish farm for a high quality and environmentally responsible product. One serving of Sea Bass is low in calories and an excellent source of protein, selenium and essential omega-3 fatty acids.
About the producer

Gümüşdoğa is Turkey’s leading fish farm, aquaculture exporter and feed producer. They assure  the highest  quality, freshness and safety of their product through their traceability system.

Every stage of fish processing, along with fish feed and production is designed and controlled according to the European legislation on hygiene and safety of products.

Know your source
Your fish is coming fromMilas,Turkey